This report born within the Countering Distortion of the Genocide of the Roma in Southeastern Europe – A Key Element for Developing Anti-Racism Strategies and Anti Discrimination Policies and Practices project examines the history, memorialization, and awareness of the genocide of Roma during the Second World War. The report also identifies and assesses elements of distortion of the Roma genocide and formulates recommendations for the education system, institutions, political and decision makers in North Macedonia to increase knowledge of the history of genocide and provide new tools in the fight against racism against Roma. The report also highlights through examples, documents, and interviews how the genocide of the Roma, also called Porrajmos or Samudaripen, remains barely known among the public and the scientific community in North Macedonia. At the same time, it describes numerous expressions of racism against Roma – discrimination, social exclusion, intolerance, and acts of violence that represent worrying risk indicators for collective violence against Roma considering consider present-day typologies (UN, AIPG, ADL’s Pyramid of Hate).
Countering Distortion of the Genocide of the Roma in Southeastern Europe – A Key Element for Developing Anti-Racism Strategies and Anti Discrimination Policies and Practices
февруари 13 2022 | Библиотека, Извештаи, Публикации